Pain management during labor:

photo by Awakening Moments LLC

Pain management is a big topic when it comes to laboring. Moms want to feel as comfortable as they can be when their body is going through such a monumental moment, bringing life into the world.

Water laboring:

A few of the benefits of choosing a hospital water birth include:

  • Relaxation – The warm water can be soothing, which can help the body produce more pain-inhibiting hormones and less stress-inducing hormones.

  • Ease of movement – Some women find that laboring in water helps them feel lighter, find more comfortable positions, and move about more freely during labor.

  • Improved circulation – This can help mom have more efficient contractions and deliver more oxygen to baby.

  • Reduced risk of tearing due to a more relaxed body.

  • An environment that helps foster an increased sense of privacy and focus. 

Counter Pressure + Hip Squeezes:

Counter-pressure consists of steady, strong force applied to one spot on the lower back during contractions using the heel of the hand, or pressure on the side of each hip using both hands. Counter-pressure helps alleviate back pain during labor, especially in those women experiencing “back labor.”

A laboring mother’s pelvis is stretched by the pressure of the baby’s head bearing down. The baby can also put uncomfortable pressure on the sacrum. The hip squeeze pushes the pelvis back into a relaxed position, which both relieves the pressure of the stretch and causes the pelvis to flare out slightly, allowing the baby room to move around and down. More information on technique can be found on this website.

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